Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Today was a crazy day! I am so back in the groove and loving it! I got up this morning and Maddi told me she was just too tired to go to school. When I told her that Angela (Zack's mom) was going to pick her up and she was going to Zack's (the boy she kisses on the bus) house to play after school she suddenly was not too tired! Weird how that works!

Then I was off to Target for diapers, on my way to Target I called Meghan to check in for the day. "ring ring - HELLO WHO IS IT" "this is auntie Libby who is this" "oh hi auntie weeby this is Noah" "oh hi Noah is your mom there" "well actually she is in the basement, i heard the phone go ring ring so actually i answered it" "oh I'm so glad, I love you Noah" " I love you auntie weeeby - actually here's my mom"

Then just when I thought the day could not get better, I saw a sign on the Target doors, "please excuse our dust - while we are adding our fresh grocery and meat departments" WAAAHOOOO - what could be better then one stop TARGET shopping! Then after getting lots of good deals on $80 worth of the things I did not need, I was on my way to "Logan's playgroup".

Today we met at Rainbow Play systems, they have open play in their show rooms. When we got there the sales lady made me and all the other moms, sign a wavier, pretty standard 'if my kid breaks his leg I will not sue'. Without thinking I signed away - Logan went up the first one, came down the slide and bit his tongue - AWESOME! So with blood dripping from his mouth I went to the drinking fountain to try to stop the bleeding which of course worked just fine. Unfortunately now that Logan knows there is a water fountain he is not longer interested in the 15 HUGE play systems in the room, all he wants to do is play in the water.

When I left Rainbow play systems, I called Angela to let her know I was on my way, she told me a story. When they got in the car from school Rebecca (Zack's little sister) said "mom I want peanut butter and jelly with red jelly for lunch" Maddi responded "you have different color jellies? -cool!"

Now that my crazy day is come to an end at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, I am sitting down with a cup of coffee and my laptop, thinking oh crap I still have to figure out dinner. Til next time readers remember after Tuesday even the calendar says WTF!

From Pump it Up

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