Friday, January 29, 2010


I am going to name today's post: "More thsn I can chew" This week I have been thinking of the many things I can do when I grow up. Some of the things I have tried in the past include, Cubical Dummy, Finishing Touches (my own house cleaning service), Part Time assistant (I am still not 100% sure what I did), home daycare and Pampered Chef. Some of the things I have thought about doing lately are, becoming a pastor (which would involve LOTS of school - so that one came and went fast), being an electrician- cause I think John is cool, starting my own company (which for now is a secret because I don't want anyone to steal my idea), Home Improvement (I am using Tim "the toolman" Taylor as my inspiration) and last but not least I am summoning my inner grandma by learning to knit. All of this is of course going on while I am doing my full time job- mothering and home making.

So this week I did a little of everything - I started my business plan for my secret business - I found online help with outlines and ideas on how to start a business but I think the best idea is to take it to the Shark Tank and get my start up costs from a self made millionaires. I recaulked my bathtub - which is A LOT harder than I thought, it took me 4 days, day one remove the moldy caulk, another day to clean the area using every smelly poison I could think of, another day to let it dry out, and day four to recaulk, this was a very messy project, when I was done my feet were covered in caulk - you can only imagine how that happened.

I made half a washcloth, after many attempts at starting -casting on it's called - I finally got about half way done!

I helped Maddi make her pattern project, she decided that she wanted to do two patterns, so we painted 2 kinds of noodles, we used three colors and ended up with a "ABC" pattern, she is SO SMART! Then on Thursday we went to her pattern fair at school, Maddi's project was by far the best one there - I hope Zack's mom doesn't read my blog!

So I guess the moral of the story is - mom was right - I CAN DO IT ALL! Who needs a label, I can wear as many hats as I want!