Friday, April 9, 2010


Friday! Finally! This week has been tough on both of us. For me, we just had a rough time getting back into a routine after being gone the whole week before Easter. We had a blast while we were gone; a family wedding, visiting with old friends, spending time at Grandma and Nana's, celebrating my brother-in-law's, Greg, confirmation and wrapping it all up with a great Easter party at my mom's.

From Apr2010

From Apr2010

We got home late Sunday night and we've all been a bit out of sorts ever since. Dan's had to work late several nights this week and when I parent solo, my patience gets used up quickly. Add in the Easter candy consumption and mostly cold, rainy weather and you've got a house full of basket-cases. And baskets, because I still haven't put the Easter paraphernalia away. Even though I keep tripping over all of it.

From Apr2010

From Apr2010

Libby's week was rough because it was spring break and Maddi was home from school. Not that she doesn't enjoy extra time with her daughter, but when the routine is disturbed, it just makes things harder.

But now it is Friday!! And it is sunny and warmer. We played outside. We talked about Libby's Disney trip being only 1 week away! We looked at pictures from last weekend and smiled. (New albums on the left for both of us). And I won a book giveaway from becomingsarah - a great blog I read. I don't know Sarah in real life, but I share parenting ideals with her and she promotes childhood literacy and she posts amazing pictures of her ADORABLE baby girl, Charlotte. Oh, adorable, reminds me, the Easter bunny brought Sera a TUTU!

From Apr2010

Speaking of adorable babies... another blog friend, Lori, who I do know in real life, is walking for a fundraiser for the March of Dimes this weekend. Lori is married to Aaron, who was a classmate of Dan's at Yale. Almost one year ago, Lori went into labor with their first son at only 35 weeks. Thankfully, Porter was born healthy and didn't need to spend time in the NICU, but not all babies born too soon are so lucky. They've met and raised their goal several times and would love to reach their new goal of $2000. Every little bit helps, so please, donate if you can.

We're all in this boat together!
From Apr2010

1 comment:

  1. It was so much fun spoiling Meghan's kids.
    We all had a great time.
    Don't I have the best looking grandkids ?!?!
