Monday, March 8, 2010


Today is Xander and Noah's 4th birthday. As with most milestones of parenthood, the same paradox exists: it seems like only yesterday they were babies, yet it also seems as though they have always been around.

They are truly amazing boys. They play SO well together, they have a wonderful friendship. They create new stories and scenarios for pretend play every day. They share so well with each other. The twin relationship is wonderful beyond description. But, they certainly have their own personalities.

Xander is a ham, I love his sense of humor. He's interested in letters and numbers and has been writing his name for some time. He's passionate and wears his heart on his sleeve like I do. He often beats Dan at Wii bowling. He loves the color green, the Packers, the Badgers and saying "to Infinity and Beyond" when you lift him up.

From Mar2010

Noah is silly and sweet. He's very good at puzzles and can draw really well. He likes to tell stories about his drawings, too. He's loving and easy-going, like Dan. He has an eye for patterns and structure, and builds amazing things out of all kinds of blocks. He loves the color orange, is a great shopping partner and uses the word "actually" to tell you how it *really* is.

From Mar2010

We had a big Mario Kart Wii themed birthday party yesterday. It was a really fun time. The only thing missing was Libby and Ryan. They are in Jamaica! Libby will surely be blogging about that when she gets back later this week. But we did have Maddi and Logan here, and of course all the other cousins, aunts, uncles, 2nd cousins, plus Nana and Grandma. Here's a few pictures from the festivities:

From Mar2010

From Mar2010

From Mar2010

From Mar2010

Happy Birthday to my darling boys - may all your wishes come true!


  1. And they are so lucky to have Meghan and Dan for parents !!

    We sure had fun at that party.

    The food was great. :)

  2. Oh my gosh--I remember them being only a few months old at Dan and Aaron's graduation. That was the last time I saw them in person! Time sure does fly...
