Maddi has been complaining about her tummy hurting for a few days now. It seemed to only be when I asked her to pick up her room or do her homework. So being the rock star mom I am I ignored her complaints.
Only for her to come home from school yesterday in tears because her tummy hurt so bad she couldn't stand it. So I called the doctor and they suggested I bring her in. So I did - and the doctor thought that an x-ray would be a good idea to rule out any obstructions other then the "regular" obstructions that should be there.
So the x-ray came back with only ok obstructions and that we should start her on miralax (a move it along kind of medicine). Also to avoid things like bananas and bran type foods. So we got her home and put the heating pad on, and gave her the medicine. She seemed to be ok with that, and since I no longer had any mom guilt about her having some kind of more serious condition other than whiny princess, I was ok too.
So the evening went on, we had all kinds of "move it along" snacks and dinner, which worked a little but not as much as expected. So in anticipation of a mid-night accident I asked Maddi to wear a pull-up which she oked using a line from a pull-up commercial saying "it's ok mom good nites equal good mornings" so back to the mom guilt of too much TV.
So all seemed to be going well both kids went to bed pretty good, Ryan and I watched some good Thursday night TV, then went to bed. So around 2am I heard some whining, figuring it was Maddi's tummy I went to check on her, she was out cold. So I went back to bed, a few seconds later more whining, I opened Logan's door a crack to see if he was ok and was overwhelmed by the SMELL. Apparently Maddi's medicine had somehow worked for Logan.
After some breath-holding clean-up I threw him in bed with Ryan and went to start the laundry because even Huggies couldn't handle what Logan was dishing out. I got down stairs half asleep, both arms full of some potent sheets and blankets, only to remember about the load I had started earlier in the day, good thing I noticed before I put the not so fresh pile on top of the clean stuff.
Ok so back to bed I went, and to avoid lots of typing lets just say at 4am I had to repeat the last few steps. And so here it is 11am and I have lathered, rinsed and repeated - 3 more times. Poor Maddi wanted to go to school this morning - hopefully the medicine will start to work for her soon!
Here is a very cute picture of Maddi and Sera! I had bought these shirts last year after Valentines Day one for Maddi and one for Logan - however Logan is A LOT bigger then I expected he would be this year.
you wouldn't have put that shirt on Logan ?!?!?